Thursday, November 6, 2014

BEDN #5: That one Substitute Teacher

Today, I had this substitute teacher in my AP English class. She was quite grumpy. For example, when we did a practice multiple choice over The Crucible, a girl's phone went off, even though we'd all put ours on a wall pocket hanger. She looked up and said, "Oops, I'll turn that off", and the teacher sniffily said "You'd BETTER..."

When the class was over, I left, inwardly thankful that I wouldn't have to see her again today.

boy, was I wrong. I saw her again in my geography class where she spent a good deal of time yelling at us to get quiet. She took us to the computer lab to take a test, and afterwards, we were supposed to work on our notecards. She spent the rest of class grumping at anyone who spoke a word. It was quite ridiculous...

Anyways, I hope y'all had a good day, and didn't have frumpy grumpy substitute teachers.


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